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Hanna Bohman

   Hanna Bohman pictured in Syria with
   an SVD sniper rifle. She travelled to the
   Middle East in 2014 to help the Kurds
   in their fight against ISIS. The 2017
   documentary Fear Us Women about
   the Women's Protection Units (YPJ) is
   told through her experiences. She first
   made contact with recruiters online
   and has served with the YPJ in Iraq
   and Syria. She had no prior military
   experience and was trained by the YPJ.


The following security tips were obtained from the Los Angeles Police Deparment.

Residence Security

1. Be alert for any suspicious persons.

2. Positively identify callers before opening doors. Install a wide angle viewer in entry doors.

3. Install a porch light at a height which would discourage removal.

4. Install dead bolts on all outside doors. If you cannot account for all keys, change door locks. Secure spare keys. Place a dowel in sliding glass doors and windows (which allows them to be opened not more than three inches for ventilation).

5. Keep garage doors locked at all times. Use an electronic garage door opener.

6. Install adequate outside lighting.

7. Trim shrubbery. Install locks on fence gates.

8. Keep fuse box locked. Have battery lanterns in residence.

9. Install a loud exterior alarm bell that can be manually activated in more than one location.

10. Maintain an unlisted phone number. Alert household members to unusual and wrong number calls. If such activity continues, notify the local law enforcement agency.

11. Any written or telephone threat should be treated as legitimate and must be checked out. Notify the appropriate law enforcement agency.

12. All adult members of the household should be trained in the use of any firearm kept for protection. It should be stored out of reach of children.

13. Household staff should have a security check prior to employment and should be thoroughly briefed on security precautions. Strictly enforce a policy of the staff not discussing family matters or movement with anyone.

14. Be alert for any unusual packages, boxes, or devices on the premises. Do not disturb such objects as they could be dangerous.

15. Maintain all-purpose fire extinguishers in the residence and garage. Install a smoke detector system.

16. Tape emergency numbers on all phones.

17. If a stalker makes threatening phone calls connect it to an answering machine (messages can be used as evidence) and get a second unlisted number. Disconnecting the old phone line will cause most stalkers to begin in-person stalking.

18. When away from the residence for an evening, place lights and radio on a timer. For extended absences, arrange to have deliveries suspended.

19. Intruders will attempt to enter unlocked doors or windows without causing a disturbance. Keep them locked.

20. Prepare an evacuation plan. Brief household members on plan. Provide ladders or rope for two-story residences.

21. A family dog is one of the least expensive but most effective alarm systems.

22. Know the whereabouts of all family members at all times.

23. Children should be accompanied to school or bus stops.

24. Routes taken and time spent walking should be varied.

25. Require identification of all repair and sales people prior to permitting entry into residence.

26. Always park in a secured garage if available.

27. Inform trusted neighbor regarding situation. Provide neighbor with photo or description of suspect and any possible vehicles.

28. Inform trusted neighbors of any anticipated extended vacations, business trips, etc.

29. During vacations, etc., have neighbors pick up mail and newspapers.

30. If residing in an apartment with on-site manager, provide the manager with a picture of the suspect. If in a secured condominium, provide information to the doorman or valet.

Office Security

1. Central reception should handle visitors and packages.

2. Office staff should be alert for suspicious people, parcels, and packages that do not belong in the area.

3. Establish key and lock control. If keys possessed by terminated employees are not retrieved, change the locks.

4. Park in secured area if at all possible.

5. Have your name removed from any reserved parking area.

6. If there is an on-site security director, make him/her aware of the situation. Provide him/her with suspect information.

7. Have secretary or co-worker screen calls if necessary.

8. Have a secretary or security personnel screen all incoming mail (personal) or fan letters.

9. Be alert to anyone possibly following you from work.

10. Do not accept any package unless you personally ordered an item.

Personal Security

1. Remove home address on personal checks and business cards.

2. Place real estate property in a trust, and list utilities under the name of the trust.

3. Utilize a private mail box service to receive all personal mail.

4. File for confidential voter status or register to vote utilizing a mail box address.

5. Destroy discarded mail.

6. Phone lines can be installed in a location other than the person's residence and call-forwarded to the residence.

7. Place residence rental agreements in another person's name.

8. The person's name should not appear on service or delivery orders to the residence.

9. Do not obtain a mail box from a government post office (it is much harder for a stalker to obtain a home address from a private mail box provider).

10. Mail box address now becomes the person's official address on all records and in all rolodexes. It may be necessary or more convenient to list the mail box as "Suite 123" or "Apartment #123" rather than "Box 123".

11. File a change of address card with the mail box address as the new address. Send postcards to friends, businesses, creditors, etc., giving the mail box address and requesting that they remove the old address from their files and rolodexes.

12. File a change of address with the motor vehicles registry to reflect the person's new mail box address. Get a new driver's license with the new address on it.

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"There is only one good. And that is to act according to your conscience."  – Simone de Beauvoir

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